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What to wear with Fur Vest? : Fur World

What to wear with Fur Vest?

September 30, 2014
Outfit: Forever 21 vest

Faux Fur Vest DIYOhhh I am SO excited about this tutorial today. I searched high and low for a DIY for a faux fur vest that a) looked easy and b) didn’t look too frumpy. I almost broke down and purchased one last Christmas, but my mom said it was a fad and I shouldn’t waste money on that.. so I didn’t buy one, but the thought still lingered. I got the itch again a few weeks ago, purchased some faux fur, and wham-BAM! And here I’m excited to show YOU how to make one, too!

S U P P L I E S:

-1 to 1 1/2 yards of faux fur

-A vest (I used my husband’s Columbia vest) to use as a sample

-Normal sewing supplies

-Butcher paper or poster board to make your pattern

I N S T R U C T I O N S:

Step One: Take the vest that you have, tuck in the collar, and place it on your butcher paper

Step Two: Trace around the outside of your vest. Find the center of the neck and draw a straight line down the center. Cut out this WHOLE pattern piece (do not cut down the center line yet).

Faux Fur Vest DIY

Step Three: Pin this pattern piece on to your faux fur and cut around the edges.

Step Four: Cut down the center of the vest PATTERN piece and take the right side to work with. Measure over 1/2″ from the shoulder and draw a diagonal line from that point to the center and a slight angle.

Step Five: Cut the new lines of this pattern piece and pin on top of your faux fur. It will be easy to do this by folding your faux fur to make a double layer of faux fur. This will get two reflecting faux fur pieces.

Step Six: Place the two outer vest flaps on top of the back pice, right sides together. Pin and sew at the shoulders and the sides.

Faux Fur Vest DIY

Step Seven: Cut two strips of faux fur that measure 6 1/2″ by WOF (approximately 60″)

Step Eight: Place these two strips right sides together and sew along the short end with a 1/2″ seam allowance. This will give you a reaaaaallly long strip of faux fur.

Step Nine: Fold this long strip of faux fur WRONG SIDES together and match the raw edges with the raw edges of the outside of your vest.

Step Ten: Pin all the way around the vest, overlapping the ends by 1/2″. Leave those ends flapping.

Step Eleven: Start about 3″ away from the end and sew all the way around until you get about 3″ from the other end.

Step Twelve: Your two ends are now overlapping and still flapping. Great! Pull those ends away from the vest and put them right sides together and sew together at 1/2″.

Faux Fur Vest DIY Faux Fur Vest DIY Faux Fur Vest DIY Faux Fur Vest DIY
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